Clergyman, schoolmaster and writer on aesthetics, William Gilpin (1724–1804) is best known for his works on the picturesque (many of which are also reissued in this series). Moving in 1777 to become vicar of Boldre, Hampshire, he was able to endow two schools there with income from his successful writings. He defined 'picturesque' as 'a term expressive of that peculiar kind of beauty, which is agreeable in a picture'. This two-volume work on forest trees, inspired by his New Forest home, was published in 1791. In his dedicatory address to his patron, William Mitford, Gilpin observes that his earlier experiences of the picturesque had been in mountainous or hilly areas; but in his walks and rides in the forest, he had become fascinated by the beauty of trees. Volume 1 discusses different forests and tree species, maintenance, felling and pollarding, and the aesthetic effects of light and shade.