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A problem-solving approach to programming with Python.
The Practice of Computing Using Python introduces CS1 students (majors and non-majors) to computational thinking using Python. With data-manipulation as a theme, readers quickly see the value in what they’re learning and leave the course with a set of immediately useful computational skills that can be applied to problems they encounter in future pursuits. The book takes an “object-use-first” approach—writing classes is covered only after students have mastered using objects.
0132992833/9780132992831 Practice of Computing Using Python plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, The, 2/ePackage consists of:
013280557X/9780132805575 Practice of Computing Using Python, The, 2/e
0132831325/9780132831321 MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Practice of Computing using Python, 2/e