Marathi, an official language of Maharashtra and Goa, is among the twenty most widely spoken languages in the world. The southernmost Indo-Aryan language, it is also spoken in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Daman and Diu, and is believed to be over 1,300 years old, with its origins in Sanskrit. First published in 1805, this grammar of Marathi (then known as Mahratta) was compiled by the Baptist missionary William Carey (1761–1834) during his time in India. Its purpose was to assist Carey's European students at Fort William College in their learning of the language, and it is comprehensive in ITS coverage, providing numerous examples. Containing detailed descriptions of Marathi's Devanagari alphabet, its word and sentence formation, and its complex tense, voice, gender, agreement, inflection, and case systems, the work remains an invaluable resource for linguists today. Carey's 1810 dictionary of Marathi is also reissued in this series.