Active Directory is the new directory service for Windows 2000. Basically, it will be a network service that identifies all resources on a network and makes them accessible to users and applications. This was not found in previous versions of NT, and administrators will have to learn a completely new way of managing their directories. This is the feature of Windows 2000 that administrators are looking forward to using. This book should help them with the day-to-day tasks, and assist in managing their networks. Like all the Administering books, this one is a task-oriented approach to dealing with Windows 2000's Active Directory, including important sections such as: walkthroughs - step-by-step instructions for gaining hands-on experience; task-based section titles - to speed the reader to the subject they are having difficulty on; screen shots and figures - heavy on figures to make the book useful both at and away from the console; and for more info - additional information sources including Web sites and periodicals.
The book should be valuable for MCSEs and MCSE candidates as it takes the reader beyond test questions and one to hands-on information that they will need when doing the job.