Would you like to get your students more active in Geology, both in and out of the classroom, or are you familiar with Google Earth but not sure where to start? The Geotours Workbook created by Scott and Beth Wilkerson (in association with Stephen Marshak) answers these questions with Geotours--active-learning tours that take students on virtual field trips to see outstanding examples of geology around the world. Arranged by topic, and with an accompanying custom Google Earth file of pre-loaded starting points, these worksheets ask students to observe and measure real-world geologic sites, deepening their understanding of important concepts from the textbook. Further, this workbook contains material explaining how students can develop their own interactive Google Earth materials, including media-rich placemarks, interactive flyover tours, and georeferenced photo & map overlays. Available as a free bundle with Marshak's Earth and Essentials of Geology textbooks, this title also can stand alone or work as a supplement in any course where students need hands on experience with Google Earth."