Pascale Wiedemann is one of the most innovative Swiss artists to gain prominence in the last decade. This book documents the two-part project that served as her reemergence onto the international art scene together with Daniel Mettler, her artistic collaborator and husband, after the birth of their first child: morbus infinitus and subkutan. Both a retrospective and a reckoning of their artistic position, "morbus infinitus & subkutan" also includes the pair s latest work, which employs enigmatic photographs of a Swiss hospital as social biotope.
With essays by distinguished scholars that examine the couple s work from both an art historical and literary perspective, this volume contains the first English discussion of Wiedemann and Mettler s fascinating oeuvre. "morbus infinitus & subkutan"""take its rightful place among books capturing the most cutting-edge and exciting photography and istallation art being produced today."