Have you ever thought about how you would like to be born, wondered why tampon adverts always use blue liquid or dreamed of living in a society with Government-funded luxury hotels for women who needed space? Have you ever wondered why so many women living in the West still believe their bodies are inferior to men's and that others hold responsibility for their health and well being? By comparing the things we have been taught about our bodies, to real women's experiences, women-centred research and common sense wisdom, this book explores women's reproductive health and well being through the eyes of women themselves, examining myths and opinions and questioning whether the things we learn from the media and through education systems are serving us well. The author explores a wide variety of historical and cultural perspectives, and, drawing on the experiences of over 100 women, the major transitions of women's lives are explored. Does science have all the answers, or is there a space for other ways of knowing? Are medical recommendations more accurate than old wives' tales?
How do women care for themselves during their menstrual cycles, or during menopause, and would it be better to turn our ideas of health and healing upside down? This book will enable women to realise that they are the experts in their own lives and health, and enable men to deepen their understanding of who we are.