Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. Excerpt from book: Section 3tinned the pursuit of him, though all the bridges had been destroyed. In short, by distracting the attention of the Neapolitan monarch, he contrived to conceal from him the operations of General Bianchi, and, at length, forced the remains of the enemy to take shelter in the impracticable passes in the eastern part of the kingdom. After this,Count Niepperg was appointed governor of the city of Naples; but, in the month of August, in the same year, he was commissioned by General Bianchi to command in the French departments of Gard, Ardeche, and Herault, where the troops of his division were stationed. On his arrival at JSismes, he disarmed the inhahitants, on the ground of their internal dissentions, and declared, in a proclamation, that he would punish, with all the rigour of military execution, any that should afterwards appear in arms. NIEUPORT. (COUNT,) This nobleman, who isacommanderof the order of Malta, an ancient member of the academy of Brussels, and a correspondent of the French National Institute, is of an illustrious family, and was born in the Netherlands, about 1746 or 1747. His education was conducted with the utmost care. The mathematical sciences were those to which he was most attached, and he soon acquired reputation by various mathematical and scientific works, which, though they were somewhat defective in method and perspicuity, proved him to possess extensive knowledge. While the French remained masters of the Netherlands, Count Nienport constantly refused to accept of any public station. It was quite natural, therefore, that the King of the Netherlands, immediately on his ascending the throne, should take him into favour. The count was nominated a member of the second chamber, chamberlain, and knight of the order of the Belgic lion. The count has frequently spoken in the chambe...