Spanning the twenty-year career of Adam Van Doren, this timeless monograph is an invitation to an exceptional journey of ancient and modern architectural expanse. The watercolours of Van Doren are painted in the classical tradition, en plein air , and recall the work of earlier masters in the medium, such as James McNeill Whistler, Edward Hopper and John Singer Sargent. Van Doren's work originated with his Beaux Arts training at Columbia University, and culminated with his position as Visiting Artist as the American Academy in Rome. This comprehensive volume includes abundant views along the Grand Tour, highlighting the magnificent as well as the more vernacular structures of Paris, Venice, Rome and New York. He [Van Doren] can often be found wandering the streets with his paints, pad, stool, and umbrella for shade, squinting at domes and corbels, caryatids, bays, oriels, cornices, medallions, entablatures and pediments, which he rushes to capture before the light fades...notes Ralph Blumenthal