'A time will come when your innermost voice will speak to you, saying 'This is my path, here I shall find peace, I will pursue this path, come what may' If you will persist and are patient, and above all never lose faith, your path will lead you unerringly to your goal' White Eagle's earliest programmes for his students at the White Eagle Lodge included classes on spiritual unfoldment. The subject included training in clairvoyance (real clear seeing, for instance on the true nature of the person, not shallow prediction), meditation, right living, learning about the great laws of life such as reincarnation and karma and about healing. Spiritual Unfoldment 1 is compiled largely from teachings at those classes given over many years. It will lead the seeker down the first roads upon a path of absolute simplicity-but the truest path is also the simplest. Carefully revised and with a new introduction, this edition brings a classic book to the forefront, before a whole new generation of spiritual seekers.