A Metaphysical Study. "Casually introduced to the notice of the writer (Whitby), at an age when his mind must have been peculiarly susceptible to their significance, the Enneads of Plotinus took such a grip upon his imagination that for many months they seemed to have translated him bodily to the shining sphere of supersensual experience." Contents: Life of Plotinus; Ancient and Modern Methods; Neoplationism; Matter; The Universe; Individuality; The Problem of Evil; Providence and the Individual; Demons and the Demonic Faculty; Concerning Love and the Emotions; Substance or Corporeal Essence; Time and Eternity; Doctrine of the Soul; Individuality; Incarnation or Descension; The World-Soul as Basis of Movement; Intelligence, and the Intelligible World; Primal Categories or Elements of the Notion; Universal Number; Number and Unity; Time and Space in Eternity; Ideal Functions of Time and Space; Universal Differentiation; Intelligence and the One; The Cause of Beauty; The One; Potential Import of the Doctrine of Unity.