This book was not written by an ivory tower theologian. While the author does possess academic degrees (A.A., Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania; B.A., history, Eastern Mennonite College; M.A.R. theological studies, Westminster Theological Seminary), he has spent most of his adult life working at a wide variety of secular jobs, in addition to serving in the U.S. Army in Viet Nam and Germany. He was raised in a suburban housing development, spent several years living in inner city neighborhoods in Philadelphia, and currently resides with his wife and three daughters in a rural community in north central Pennsylvania. Over the years he has had the opportunity to become personally acquainted with churches and schools of several different Christian denominations. Through it all he has seen much, and this book is the result of a lifetime of reflection on the state of the church and of the world. In short, it is the plea of a concerned Christian for a much needed spiritual awakening.