This year's nitride symposium showed the scope of nitride-related advances spanning basic materials physics over process technology to high-performance devices. Progress was reported in bulk growth of GaN and AlN, growth on various substrates and substrate orientations, optical properties of InN, defect and doping analysis of p-doped GaN, and polarization properties. These led to new performance records in visible light emitter technology, i.e., higher efficiency/higher brightness, UV emitters with shorter wavelength, and UV and photo detectors. Advances in the development of nitride-based electronic devices with new heterostructure FET designs for RF power applications, including those on Si substrates and wafer fusion, are also reported. This book captures the exciting developments in this rapidly progressing field. Topics include: epitaxy - devices and defect reduction; defects and characterization; epitaxy - nonpolar orientations and alloys; optical properties; UV emitters and detectors; visible light emitters; electronic devices; characterization of defects and transport; and contacts, processing and p-type nitrides.