This new work, Only the Rocks Last Forever, is an anthology of artifact adventures, site reports and essays on various aspects of artifact collecting. Each chapter in this book is a separate or "stand alone" piece, and a sequential flow between chapters is not intended. Indeed, the discerning reader may, on occasion, note some minor redundancies in several of the various chapters. I have attempted to keep this to a minimum, but in the interests of giving each chapter its full due, some duplication was unavoidable. This may well be my last "artifact adventure" book. I recently retired, and although I plan on spending a goodly portion of my time in pursuit of all things ancient, I find that I am getting much more interested in the "archaeology" of my collection, rather than merely the acquisition of artifacts. I have a lot to learn about archaeology and I think it will be some time before I'm ready to share my thoughts and ideas in writing with others. I will, however, pursue my writing career in other ways, and am presently working on several books, including a novel and a children's book.