In an ever-changing world, good manners never go out of style.
Good manners aren't just a quaint and old-fashioned concept. They're an essential aspect of every young lady's path to adulthood. It's safe to say that today's young woman is exposed to more opportunities than any generation of women in history, and these essential guidelines will help parents ensure that their daughters grow up to succeed in any situation.
Topics covered in 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know include:
Making conversation with adults
Accepting a gift you don't like
Dressing appropriately
Winning and losing graciously
Writing a thank-you note
While the formal rules of etiquette are not taught the way they once were, 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know provides a modern take on the ageless idea that girls should know appropriate and courteous responses to any given situation. This updated guide to traditional standards of behavior proves that manners never go out of style - they're an essential skillset that a young girl needs to excel in whatever she chooses to do.