Beginning with the basics of plant motion, this book explains technologies for translating plant-like movements to new adaptive materials, with explicit reference to helicopter and aeronautic applications. The first part of the book focuses on energy transport strategies using transport protein pressurization, ion intercalation, electrosmosis/electromigration and closed-cell gas generation. Part two concentrates on the mechanics and applications of fluidic muscle-like materials bioinspired by fibrillar plant tissue for use in soft robotics, biomimetic robots, and morphing aeronautical structures. Each chapter covers analytical models, test results, design and troubleshooting. The information in the text is meant to assist materials scientists and engineers to initiate research and design in the field of nastic materials and structures. This book covers soft actuator design, soft robotics, and novel adaptive materials. It provides applications to helicopter blades, aircraft wings, ship hulls, and solar collectors.