Prehistoric Ebbsfleet - Excavations and Research in Advance of High Speed 1 and South Thameside Development Route 4, 1989-2003
This volume concerns the HS1 study theme defined as ‘Prehistoric Ebbsfleet’. It focuses on landscape development and human occupation from the Palaeolithic through to the Early Iron Age, a span of around 300,000 years. This period incorporates fluctuating extremes of climate between harsh sub-arctic conditions when southern Britain would have been a frozen and uninhabitable treeless waste, and Mediterranean conditions when luxuriant forest was interspersed with grassy plains, rich in what we would now regard as tropical fauna such as lion, hippopotamus and hyaena. A reappraisal of the important Palaeolithic flint artefact collections from Baker’s Hole and the Ebbsfleet Channel is also presented.