This excellent interactive workbook makes the message of Thelma Wellsa (TM) dynamic God, Ia (TM)m Ready to Walk in Faith DVD series even more personal and powerful. Popular author and Extraordinary Women conference speaker a oeMama Ta presents a six-week study to help women walk with God and with purpose in every aspect of their lives.
With insightful questions, select verses, and points for reflection, this workbook helps DVD viewers go deeper into the areas covered, including how to:
- submit their lives, goals, and dreams to God
- weed out enemies of faitha "greed, pride, egoa "and make room for Goda (TM)s abundance
- learn more about Goda (TM)s character to cultivate a powerful faith
- trust in Goda (TM)s generous plans for thema "and live them out
The workbook and DVD along with Thelmaa (TM)s book of the same title form an incredible study of Goda (TM)s power and hope for individuals, womena (TM)s groups, and churches.