Answer the Toughest Questions Brilliantly...And Win Over Your Audience Every Time!
In this fully updated edition, the world's #1 presentation coach enables you to field any question from any audience and to respond with complete assurance.
Drawing on brand-new business case studies, Jerry Weissman shows you how to control the entire Q&A session and to avoid the defensive, evasive, or contentious answers that can ruin careers.
Whether you're a senior executive, job candidate, or anyone else in business, you're judged on how you handle high-pressure exchanges. Get this book and learn how to handle them successfully.
Part of the Jerry Weissman Presentation Trilogy! Also look for updated Editions of:
Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story and Designing Your Slides
The Power Presenter: Techniques, Style, and Strategy to Be Suasive
“I've been asking tough questions for half a century and listening to variously brilliant, boring, evasive or illuminating answers. Jerry Weissman's book will help anyone--anyone--answer even the toughest questions.”
--Mike Wallace, Sixty Minutes, CBS News