The twentieth century was a truly incredible time of medical research productivity and progress in the treatment of heart disease. Methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention that were unknown or scarcely imagined at the start of the century have now been incorporated into daily medical practice. In Heart to Heart, Dr. Allen B. Weisse presents the first collection of in-depth conversations with some of the world's most renowned cardiologists and surgeons. Weisse's interviews brings a special vitality to the doctors' recollections of the people and events that influenced them, their motivations, their problems, their interactions with their contemporaries, and their hopes and beliefs for the future. Since not every doctor who has made important contributions to the treatment and prevention of heart disease could be interviewed for this volume. Weisse includes a biographical section listing other prominent doctors and surgeons as well as a list of recommended reading. This comprehensive history will be a resource for any student of cardiology or general medicine. Features interviews with: - Charles P. Bailey - Richard J. Bing - Eugene Braunwald - Andre Cournand - Michael E.
DeBakey - William Dock - Mary Allen Engle - Rene Favaloro - Arthur C. Guyton - J. Willis Hurst - Adrian Kantrowitz - John W. Kirklin - Willem J. Kolff - Jeremiah Stamler - Albert Starr - Paul M. Zoll