For two glorious weeks we're going to forget about work, leave all care behind, run away from the empty routine of our lives and pretend we are Thelma and Louise, minus the assault and descent into a criminal vortex, of course.'Rach and Jules, two thirty-something gals, hit the road in search of the ultimate solo holiday and the secret to eternal happiness.Are We There Yet? is part travelogue, part road trip and for the most part extremely funny. When they're not trying to tone their bums and impress their sexy, if not-so-bright, fitness leader, dis'ing divorcees over the ninth bottle of chardy, or questioning the pampered existence of Namronette Kitten Seven Space Kitten with a Mission, Rach and Jules are on a quest for truth, honesty and the perfect pub pash. Along the way they contemplate the really big questions, like: What does a single girl do for sex these days? Is there such a thing as a meaningful internet date? What happens when your best friend has the nerve to fall in love? And is it okay to eat basil after it's been stuffed down a bloke's trousers?Whether you've been single, are single, know someone who's single or might indeed be single sometime in the future, Are We There Yet?
will have you laughing all the way to the health spa or the nearest bar.