Can poverty, deprivation and child abuse ever be overcome by sheer strength of character and willpower?
JILLY JAMES never realised that when researching a dull, historical project about caring, fostering and adoption in the early 1950s, she would unleash such turmoil. If only she had known that in delving into their past, it would be such a tremendous struggle to come to terms with her own. Did she want to face a deeply-buried memory and change forever her "idyllic" childhood?
Through her keyboard she weaves the true story of the Grigg children for a television drama/documentary series in the face of constant criticism and derision until it reaches an astonishing conclusion.
Caroline Webber worked in the newspaper and television industries for many years before leaving to take up a freelance career. Amongst many other activities, she wrote and directed for a well-known (non-professional) theatre company in Bristol. She was a co-founder & Editor of a paper campaigning for the rights of local communities which was fortunate in having many distinguished contributing columnists.
Surviving Childhood is her first novel.