An extraordinary, passionate retelling of Burgess's original novel takes readers to a dystopia where the gangs are female, the state's control is exercised through addiction therapy, and Alex's solace is in high literature and postmodern deconstructionism Alex is an anti-heroine for the 21st century. She would rather have all her nails pulled out than read the literature promoted by the Enid Blytons of the world--the bourgeoisie. She runs rampage through the streets of a dystopic Manchester with her girl gang, and her main aim is to feed her Phrontistery, that is, her dream factory. In Alex's world, the State imposes its control through addiction therapy and the blunt administrations of female police and social workers. Men have long since ceased to have any influence. The muvvas spend all day in the Old Duchess of New York, and dark confrontations take place in Whitworth Park, the old raping ground of the red light walkes. Alex has never conformed, but when she is faced with the charge of addiction, the battle really begins, in this angry, powerful novel fizzing with energy and linguistic inventiveness.