The Science of Getting Rich explains obtaining wealth in a practical, even mathematical manner. Author Wallace Wattles treats gaining riches as a simple equation - if every thought is attuned towards abundance, then every day will be one filled with success. Though The Science of Getting Rich was written almost 100 years ago, its vitality is timeless. For the ease of the modern reader, a simplified version has been created to bridge the gap between timeless thought to modern-day action.
There is nothing wrong with desiring money; Wattles helps the reader understand that not only is wealth and abundance a natural birthright, but also it is required to create success in all aspects of your life. Wattles emphasizes that everyone has the ability to gain the money needed for a well-developed life - regardless of age, skills, education and location. Once this wealth is gained, you can achieve the more worthwhile, abundant you that you truly desire.
Free of theories and wordy philosophies, Wattles writes in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner that anyone can comprehend and apply to their lives. Wattles only requires that you read his book, internalize his words, and keep your thoughts on your desires. You will then obtain the wealth that is waiting for everyone.