This book presents a list of about 150 congressional liaison offices for those interested in placing telephone calls and addressing correspondence to government agencies. In each case, the information was supplied by the agency itself and is current as of the date of publication. Entries are arranged alphabetically in three sections: legislative branch; executive branch; and agencies, boards, and commissions. When looking for a particular agency, use the index at the back of this document because the organisational affiliation of each agency may not be readily apparent. If only the telephone number is needed, it is given in the index to save the user time. Specific telephone numbers for correspondence, publications, and fax transmissions have been provided for each applicable agency. When using fax, it is important to include the entire mailing address on a cover sheet, as many of the listed fax machines are not directly located in the liaison offices. For the convenience of the user, websites are included as well. A number of agencies include their e-mail address.