An educational resource to help children explore the issue of fair trade by allowing them to see through the eyes of the children of banana farmers in the Windward Islands. The author spent time with the farmers' families and she uses the real-life narratives of two young children going about their daily activities to show how bananas grow, problems such as hurricanes which can affect the crop, how they are picked and transported and how they end up in our stores. The main story is illustrated with colorful collages made from painted textures and photographs from the Islands. Interspersed in the story are boxes with maps, facts and photos giving more detail on the places and methods and challenges. Its ends with banana recipes and 'bigger picture' descriptions, maps and photos of where bananas come from and examples of social premium funded projects. With plenty of points for discussion Juliana's Bananas will give girls and boys an insight into the lives of children like them in the Caribbean and how fairtrade premiums help communities all over the world build better living conditions.
Illustrated by: Ruth Walton