Tales of Awe and Wonder is a book about medieval mystics, people who followed their own particular star and became the people they were created to become. They all had a direct experience of God in some way, and this experience is open to all of us if we follow our own particular script and not one that has been written by our family, our teachers or somebody else s expectations of us. Life has now become so hectic and so competitive, it is necessary to stop and take stock and ask where are we going? Why are we in such a rush? There is a great need for stillness and an understanding that we are human beings , not human doings We are special and unique and we are also called to greatness if we take the time to listen. Looking at the legacy bequeathed to us by the people in this book, we can acknowledge that we too have the capacity to live simply and in tune with nature like Francis and Clare of Assisi, to sing like Hildegarde of Bingen, to learn like Thomas Aquinas. The experiential activities that accompany each story are intended to give children a sense of the mystery and sacredness of the universe, and to help them develop their natural sense of awe and wonder.