With the in-depth coverage you need, this text helps you provide quality treatment for neonates, infants and pediatric patients. It discusses the principles of neonatal and pediatric respiratory care while emphasizing clinical application. Not only is this edition updated with the latest advances in perinatal and pediatric medicine, but it adds a new chapter on pediatric thoracic trauma plus new user-friendly features to simplify learning.
A comprehensive, evidence-based approach covers all of the major topics of respiratory care for neonates, infants, and children, including both theory and application.
Case studies help you master the more difficult areas of care for neonatal and pediatric disorders.
Logical, streamlined organization makes it easier for students to master the material and prepare for an entry-level BS degree and the national Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty credentialing exam.
Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter highlight the "take-aways" by breaking down key content into measurable behaviors, criteria, and conditions.
Complete test preparation is provided through coverage of all the content in the matrix for the NPS exam.
NBRC exam-style assessment questions test your comprehension of the material in each chapter.
Answers to assessment and case study questions are provided on the Evolve companion website.
New Quality and Safety chapter addresses quality care for the neonatal/pediatric patient.
New Clinical Highlights boxes discuss realistic scenarios to help you apply your knowledge to clinical practice.
UPDATED! Over 400 full-color illustrations - plus clear tables and graphs- make it easier to visualize key concepts.
New! Key point summary at end of each chapter highlights essential content in a bulleted format.
New! Glossary provides easy access to key terms and their definitions.
New! Key terms at the beginning of each chapter highlight important terminology.