"Crossing the Blue Code" is the powerful autobiography of Miette Walker, a young girl who joins the United States Air Force in pursuit of a promising career. Her basic training at Lackland Air Force Base proves to be anything but basic as Walker soon finds out she has entered an alternately rigid and chaotic new world.
"Crossing the Blue Code" is the beginning story of Walker's difficult and sometimes horrifying experiences during her four years in the U.S. Air Force. Harassed by her fellow recruits and discriminated against by her superiors, Walker is sometimes forced to suffer in silence for fear of the notorious "Blue Code" that keeps Security Police from breaking ranks and reporting even the most heinous crimes.
Thrilled with her assignment to a Security Police Canine Section, Walker finds companionship with Killer, a ferocious military working dog who protects her from her enemies and serves as her only comfort and security during active military duty, especially in the humid jungles of Panama.
One woman's chilling true story of honor, cruelty, and the fierce will to survive, "Crossing the Blue Code" rips open the dark secrets of military life.