A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don’t necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. This book is the ultimate guide for medical students needing to combine their knowledge and skills with an ability to interpret the clinical findings, the proficiency to present them clearly and the confidence to deal with the examiners questions.
Adopting a proven, highly effective approach, this revision aid uses role play with simulated patients to hone clinical examination and presentation skills. The fifty cases are divided into six areas: cardiology, respiratory, abdomen, neurology, musculoskeletal and surgery.
Written by successful candidates and examiners, the guide poses a number of important and commonly asked examination questions for each case to assist in preparation and confidence, and model answers are provided to ensure an understanding of exactly what is required.
Working in groups or independently, students will welcome the large, colourful format, the breakdown of marking schemes, an overview of examiners expectations, a guide to presenting clinical findings and innumerable ‘insider’ tips throughout.
See accompanying video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvr4y-NykUU