This textbook provides an up-to-date guide to theories within psychology and sociology relevant to understanding the major life transitions within adulthood and older age and demonstrates how they can be applied in practice. In doing so, it offers a psychosocial approach that will equip readers to meet the combined physical, psychological and social needs of those in their care.
In this book the impact of biological factors on adult experience is acknowledged alongside a careful exploration of the socially constructed nature of different stages of adulthood across the lifespan. In its analysis of developmental stages, the book covers key issues of current concern including emerging and early adulthood, ‘the sandwich generation’ (those caring for both their children and their parents), later life, medicalisation, neurodiversity, long term and degenerative conditions, bereavement, and grief. Both vulnerabilities and ways to enhance resilience encouraging healthy ageing are examined.
Utilising practice-oriented case studies and reflective questions it illustrates how psychosocial perspectives may be applied within family, workplace, health, and social care contexts. It offers under graduate and graduate students of social work, nursing, mental health, education, psychology, human development, gerontology and ageing, the tools needed to evaluate the interlocking psychosocial factors influencing the lives of adults at different stages of life.