What is enlightenment? What is it not? This book exposes the myths and defines this misused term once and for all. Which teaching methods will get you there? And which will not? This book explains how the traditional methods work and why the modern, Western approaches are most unlikely to. The clearest book that has ever been written on the subject of enlightenment, it provides a detailed examination of the satsang phenomenon (and its more extreme, neo-Advaita variant), contrasting these approaches with the traditional methods passed down from teacher to disciple for over a thousand years. It indicates what is needed in the way of preparation and path in order to gain enlightenment, given some modern teachers' statements to the effect that there is 'no person' and 'nothing to do'. With a Foreword by Dr. Greg Goode, philosophical counsellor and one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the subject of non-duality.