Being a Doctrine of Experience in the Life of Sanctity, Considered on the Faith of its Testimonies and Interpreted after a New Manner. 'The design of this study, which takes all Christian Mysticism as its province, is to restate the philosophy of life and mind from a mystical point of departure in the light of existing needs, and to indicate that the Way of Divine Life and Union is a way which can be followed and its end attained in this present age of the world. This volume may be regarded as the crown and summary of the author's life-long studies and personal experience in the paths of mysticism." Contents: Title of the Quest; Concerning Ineffable Experience; Extent and Limits of Attainment in Christian Mysticism of the Latin Schools; Derivations and Reflections of the Mystical Term in Post-Reformation Schools; Concerning Union and identity; Analogies and Distinctions of Attainment in Records of Eastern Mysticism; Path in Christian Mysticism; Symbolism of the Christ-Life in the Soul; Symbolism of the Mystical Marriage; Of Soul and Spirit in Man; Mystical Experiment Considered in the Light of Consciousness; Reordination of Life and Mind; Mystical State in the World; Sacramentalism of our Inward Nature; Of Saving Grace in the Churches; Way of Attainment.