Analyzing Health Data in R for SAS Users is aimed at helping health data analysts who use SAS accomplish some of the same tasks in R. It is targeted to public health students and professionals who have a background in biostatistics and SAS software, but are new to R.
For professors, it is useful as a textbook for a descriptive or regression modeling class, as it uses a publicly-available dataset for examples, and provides exercises at the end of each chapter. For students and public health professionals, not only is it a gentle introduction to R, but it can serve as a guide to developing the results for a research report using R software.
Gives examples in both SAS and R
Demonstrates descriptive statistics as well as linear and logistic regression
Provides exercise questions and answers at the end of each chapter
Uses examples from the publicly available dataset, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2014 data
Guides the reader on producing a health analysis that could be published as a research report
Gives an example of hypothesis-driven data analysis
Provides examples of plots with a color insert