Over the past twenty-five years, the world of artisan food and beverages has evolved from a few interesting point of sale items to huge sponsorships of everything from the Academy Awards and NASCAR to breast cancer research and public television. It used to be that a nice press kit and a smiling face could usually get you some coverage. Now we see celebrity chefs, podcasts, and concert tour logistics have all become part of the package. Artisan food and beverage has become big business, and at least some of the public relations programs have grown up alongside the industry. But for most producers, the challenges still remain as they do for all small businesses: there isn't the money to compete on a national scale and the only hope for success in the world of public relations is to be more cost effective, more targeted, and smarter than the competition. From wine producers and brewers, to bakers and breakfast bar makers, smart, effective, and focused are the bywords of success. Making sure that's how you approach your public relations effort is what this book is all about.