Judge Dredd: Mega-City Masters 03
Mega-City One – a vast, futuristic urban nightmare and home to over 400 million citizens, each one a potential lawbreaker. A special kind of lawman polices these mean streets – they are known as the Judges; judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one. The most respected of them all is Judge Dredd – he IS the law!
Featuring pulse-pounding stories from the fevered imaginations of John Wagner (A History of Violence), Alan Grant (Batman, Lobo), Gordon Rennie (White Trash) and Rob Williams (Cla$$war) and breathtaking art from such talents as Frazer Irving (Batman & Robin) , Cam Kennedy (Star Wars) and Guy Davis (B.P.R.D.), this thrilling instalment of the Mega-City Masters series is not to be missed!
Illustrated by: Jock, Kevin O'Neill, Bryan Talbot, Guy Davis, Simon Bisley, Andy Clarke, Frazer Irving