Here's how to make purposeful system change happen!The world faces a multitude of crises that demand transformative changes in how we live and do business. Yet a core question to make purposeful transformation happen? Catalyzing Transformation shows the way through:
Innovative organizing processes that anyone can use to catalyze purposeful whole system transformational change for a better world.
How transformation catalysts work to organize purposeful, self-aware transformation systems that can tackle complex systemic challenges.
Three processes—connecting (seeing, understanding, and making sense of the system), cohering (co-creatively developing shared goals and action plans), and amplifying (implementing, evaluating, and elaborating effective transformative action).
Design guidelines for leaders stewarding change efforts in context-appropriate ways.
Whether you catalyze social changer, responsible businesses, activists, policymakers, or students of change, Catalyzing Transformation can help!