Wr>Mastering Assessments: A Self-Service System for Educators is a set of fifteen practical, easy-to-use booklets covering a wide range of topics related to educational assessment and accountability. These ground-breaking resources put the most relevant information on assessment at teacher’s fingertips and provide an important tool for educators looking to learn the ins and outs of becoming “assessment literate.” Each 32-page booklet focuses one specific topic and is designed to foster individual and peer discussion, perfect for professional learning communities. An online facilitator's guide is also available for coaches and staff development trainers.
The Mastering Assessments booklets are designed to standalone to develop assessment literacy on a specific topic or as a professional study program and includes:
- Appropriate and Inappropriate Tests for Evaluating Schools
- Assessing Student Affect
- Assessing Students with Disabilities
- Assessment Bias: How to Banish It
- Classroom Evidence of Successful Teaching
- College Entrance Exams: SAT and ACT
- Constructed-Response Tests: Building and Bettering
- How Testing Can Help Teaching
- Interpreting the Results of Large-Scale Assessments
- Portfolio Assessment and Performance Testing
- Reliability: What Is It and Is It Necessary
- Selected-Response Tests: Building and Bettering
- The Role of Rubrics in Testing and Teaching
- Test Preparation: Sensible or Sordid?
- Validity: Assessment’s Cornerstone