Reduce operating and maintenance costs while substantially improving the performance of new and existing data warehouses and data marts
Data Warehouse Performance
This book tells you what you need to know to design, build, and manage data warehouses and data marts for optimum performance. Written by an all-star team of data warehouse pioneers and innovators-including Bill Inmon, "the father of the data warehouse," and Ken Rudin, one of the leading experts on performance-the book describes the layers of a high-performance data warehouse environment and guides the reader through their implementation and management. It also supplies proven techniques for supercharging the performance of existing environments. Crucial topics covered include:
? Mitigating the impact of dormant data on performance
? Data cleansing and implementation techniques
? Implementing platform components like data marts to support scalability
? Database design, sizing, and optimization techniques, including star schema and indexing
? Hardware assessment, selection, and sizing
? The role of monitors in balancing workload and assessing performance
? Creating a service management contract to meet user expectations