Korvaava tuote: 9780131704169 For one semester courses in International Economics.
- Addressing the changing face of economics education, Sawyer and Sprinkle is written at a level that is appropriate for a broader range of students (economics majors, business majors, international relations and other nonbusiness students) than most existing texts. Written for students who need only to be familiar with supply/demand analysis and aggregate demand/aggregate supply analysis, the main purpose of this book is to teach international economics using the tools that the students have been exposed to in their principles course. This approach reinforces the tools students have learned and relieves instructors of trying to teach international economics while also teaching a set of tools with which students are unfamiliar.
- This text covers the most important recent developments in international economics. Entire chapters are devoted to intraindustry trade (chapter 4), international factor movements (chapter 5), and regional economic issues (chapter 9). Sawyer and Sprinkle also provide a more current treatment of monetary theory/policy. Distinct from other books in the market, this text adopts the modern asset market approach to exchange rate determination. Sawyer and Sprinkle's approach is a departure from the historical approach and shows how the floating exchange rate is a result of current international monetary arrangements.