PTraumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a brief, person-centered therapy for resolving symptoms of traumatic stress (acute and chronic) including Post-Traumatic Stress Distorder (PTSD). This collection of newsletters chronicles the role of the Traumatic Incident Reduction Association (TIRA) in providing support for facilitators around the world as they engage with diverse populations including crime victims, domestic violence survivors, natural disaster survivors, accident victims, and combat veterans. These practitioners include psychologists, social workers, ministers, domestic violence shelters, and lay practitioners. This "best of" collection includes interviews with leading practitioners, papers on the theory of Applied Metapsychology, and research results from 2004-2005. Also includes an appendix with additional archival material from 1998-2003. Extensive index and bibliography.
PRC552.P67A47 2006BR
ISSN 1555-0818