The vital information you need for performing accurate, lifesaving triage at your fingertips.
Rapid Access Guide for Triage and Emergency Nurses is the first pocket-sized clinical manual for triage nurses. Designed to quickly identify and rank the risk of emergent conditions, this guide delivers emergency essentials that cover initial assessment, acuity level assessment, high risk situations, and screening tools in bite-size, bulleted bursts.
Content covers each body system and their most common chief complaints along with questions, assessments, and interventions to determine the level of urgency. Red flag presentations (highlighted with a red flag icon) denote critical signs and symptoms.
The guide includes evidence-based practice guidelines throughout and patient flow diagrams, reference tables, and checklists for at-a-glance retrieval of information. Most chapters contain blank spaces for taking notes, inscribing important phone numbers, or pasting facility-specific policies and procedures.
Key Features:
Triage processes, clinical red flags, screening tools
Pediatric and geriatric special concerns
Guidance on managing the waiting room
Common litigious triage situations
Disaster response
Directives for active shooter and violent scenarios