Due to budgetary restrictions such as manpower reductions, today'ssafety and health professionals are taking on greaterresponsibilities in the environmental arena. Many of theseprofessionals are unfamiliar with the basic requirements associatedwith environmental compliance. This second volume in Wiley's BasicGuide Series simplifies the environmental profession for those whoare new to the field. It combines simple explanations of complianceissues with clear breakdowns of the latest environmentalregulations. It also offers a history of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency and various environmental policies in the U.S.The first part of the book clarifies fundamental conceptsassociated with preservation of environmental health and resources.It summarizes relationships between state plans and federalenvironmental compliance schemes, as well as covering environmentalaudits and inspection processes. The author discusses differenttypes and phases of audits and audit reports, including properdocumentation and follow-up. Part Two provides a nuts-and-boltsunderstanding of all important environmental laws, includingthe:
* Environmental Policy Act
* Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and LiabilityAct
* Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act
* Clean Water Act
* Clean Air Act
* Toxic Substances Control Act
* Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
This guide will meet the reference needs of safety engineers,environmental engineers, corporate managers, and design engineersin a variety of industries. About the Wiley Basic Guide Series TheWiley Basic Guide Series focuses on topics of interest to today'ssafety and/or health professionals. These manuals promote a quickand easy familiarity with certain subject areas that may be outsidethe professional's main field but are required knowledge on thejob.