The Hodder Group Reading Tests 1-3 assess pupils' reading comprehension at word, sentence and text levels. They are designed as wide-range tests, and thus are especially useful in screening and monitoring mixed-ability groups where some pupils may be much more advanced, or much slower, than the average. The Hodder Group Reading Tests 1-3 all have parallel forms A and B, for use with the following age groups: Test 1 - ages 5:0 to 9:0 (Years 1 to 3); Test 2 - ages 7:0 to 12:0 (Years 2 to 6); Test 3 - ages 9:5 to 16+ (Years 5 to 11) Each test takes 30 minutes to administer to whole class or year groups: the parallel forms A and B can be used simultaneously to minimise copying, as well as to assess progress over time. At each level, the tests include questions which assess pupil's understanding of word meanings, culturally neutral sentence-completion questions, and higher-level 'cloze' tasks that require pupils to both comprehend and reflect upon the content and the context of continuous text. The tests have been standardised on over 13000 pupils nationally, giving dependable norms which express performance as standardised scores, reading ages and national curriculum levels. This revised edition establishes time limits and extended norms which make the Hodder Group Reading Tests 2 and 3 ideal for 'access arrangement' assessments at Key Stages 2, 3 and GCSE. The redesigned tests include carefully matched replacements for the original 'proverbs' items, while preserving the tests' quick and easy administration and scoring. This Specimen Set includes the Manual (common to all three tests) and single copies of each of the six test forms. A Scorer/Profiler CD-ROM is available separately to automate score conversions and help analyse and interpret group performance data.