In Porn Star on Welfare ex BBW porn star and prostitute Jan Villarubia shares tragic, personal experiences that led to her ultimate desperation and plunge into the porn industry. From her molestation by a female family friend at the age of 10, to her virginity that was violently taken by rape at the age of 13, becoming a teenage mom, suffering through an emotionally damaging marriage, and finally her devastating, and almost deadly journey through the porn industry...Jan recounts the damaging details that sought to destroy her. Through many trials and tribulations Jan has tirelessly and sacrificially fought by the grace of God to expose the porn industry for what it really is. She has stood before politicians and at pulpits bringing the truth about pornography and overcoming through her testimony. She has hugged and loved on thousands of necks at various porn conventions and symposiums. All glory and honor in her life is attributed to God and she continues to serve Him daily.