Why is a great company culture so rare? How can you make sure your organization has one? The good news is that creating an inspiring and sustainable culture is not as hard as you might think. Dr. David "Doc" Vik reveals the keys to success in The Culture Secret . A remarkable culture begins with visionary leaders who help their teams take a holistic approach to creating engagement inside their companies and sharing it with customers. Discover how to take culture beyond casual Friday and into more meaningful conversations like:; Driving Vision; Defining Purpose; Clear business model; Unique/WOW factors; Meaningful Values; Inspired Leadership; Great customers and customer service; Brand enhancement; Experience and the emotional connection If you don't think you have to focus on attractingand retainingthe best employees in today's hypercompetitive war for talent, you are living in the past. The employees and customers of today have a choice and a voice. The secret to culture is simple: take care of your people, never stop innovating, and leave customers wowed. Build a better culture to secure the future for any organization.