This is a profound, yet thoroughly readable exploration of where God and spiritual values fit in a world science Destiny of the Universe presents a critical philosophical journey and search for the Great Unknown grounded in the world of science. It is not about an anthropomorphic God or religious projection, but a Creator who can be better known through the discoveries of science. Thoroughly grounded and easily readable, it offers well-presented accounts of the latest scientific discoveries and theories developed by astronomers, physicists, and geneticists. It is about the Great Unknown beyond and behind all that we can see through our telescopes and microscopes. This book is not a religious apologetic, speaking to those inside the fold of any church, but to those living in its Diaspora, who are conversant with the latest science and critical philosophy. It is a book for rational people who know something about the barren interstellar space of our universe, surrounded by black holes, quasars, and pulsars, and may feel quite lost in its vastness and extreme coldness.
It is for all those doubters, sceptics, and even nihilists in our midst, who have an open mind and do not hold scientific dogma with religious fervour. The reader will learn that it is not so much science, but misguided and narrow philosophy that tells us that there is nothing beyond or behind the Big Bang providing purpose and destiny to the universe to which we belong.