From the Mountains to the Sea proposes an innovative synthesis of
recent archaeological research on town formation and urbanisation, and
connected Roman colonisation, of the central part of Adriatic Italy.
Frank Vermeulen analyses the formation and character of Roman towns in
this still somewhat understudied area of central Italy, thus
contributing to a better understanding of the lasting Roman impact on
conquered societies in Italy as a whole. During the past decade much
archaeological fieldwork has been conducted on urban sites in this area,
including exciting field surveys, and it is now high time for a
geographical and historical contextualisation of the more than 40 Roman
urban sites known in this area, based on a careful review of the
scholarly tradition and the bringing together of much new, often
unpublished or preliminary published, field data. The result is the
first comprehensive synthesis of the urban phenomenon in a region
characterized by one of the most dense town networks of the Roman
Empire. Some of the main sub-themes to discuss when dealing with
Roman-inspired urbanism are present in this book, including: town
formation, town planning, the structural relationship town-territory,
religious aspects and urban sanctuaries, public buildings (fora,
basilicae, baths, porticoes, theatres, amphitheatres,
macella, etc.) and domestic architecture. But beyond the mostly
archaeologically-driven investigation of architectural features of the
colonies and all other towns in the study region, there is an attempt to
understand the disposition and functioning of all the individual town
centres in their wider context of territory, region and state. An
additional important feature of the book is the gazetteer of urban sites
which forms a starting point for all those working in Roman Italy.