How is your institution enabling Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students to thrive? Is your institution effectively tackling racism?
Following the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement, the higher education sector has started making bold commitments to dismantling structural racism. However, big questions remain about how higher education can combat institutional racism and achieve real change.
This book disrupts the higher education sector through ambitious actions and collective, participatory and evidence-informed responses to racism. It offers a roadmap for senior leaders, staff and students to build strategies, programmes and interventions that effectively tackle racism.
Arising from current staff and recent student experiences, this book supports institutions driving equality, diversity, inclusion and intersectional programmes in higher education.
Contributions by: Arun Verma, Briana Coles, Claire Lee, Deya Mukherjee, Eileen Gbagbo, Jalpa Ruparelia, Josephine Gabi, Manish Maisuria, Min Duchenski, Musharrat Ahmed-Landeryou, Pamela Thomas, Parise Carmichael-Murphy, Jitesh Gajjar, Shaminder Takhar, Sonia Gomes, Tamjid Mujtaba, Zoe Nutakor, Manvir Grewal