Curriculum, Spirituality, and Human Rights towards a Just Public Education examines the integration of spirituality—not religion—into U.S. public education and curriculum. The volume challenges celebratory ‘curricularized’ forms of human rights and frames spirituality as a counter-hegemonic human right. Drawing on autobiography as inquiry, Rogério Venturini unpacks his spiritual struggles—‘from within’—and experiences as a progressive spiritual person and educator. The volume examines the subjectivity and objectivity of spirituality, exploring the lethal social impact triggered by the absence of spirituality at the table of the so-called curriculum conversations.
This volume places the struggle for spirituality in our field as a political struggle and challenges the epistimicidal nature of such conversations. Venturini draws on critical, anti-colonial, and decolonial frameworks and argues for an epistemological move towards an itinerant curriculum theory, one that responds to the world’s endless epistemological diversity and difference by assuming a non-derivative non-abyssal approach.